Business cards are an essential marketing and networking tool. They allow you to distribute your business’s information to colleagues and prospective clients quickly and easily whenever you meet them in person. Business cards are convenient and effective. What’s more, according to (a website for work at home moms (link below)), they can project “identification, recognition and professional decorum”. However, it’s easy to accidentally reduce the efficacy of your business cards with poor design choices or distribution techniques. That’s why we’d like to use this blog entry to highlight some common business card-related mistakes and show you how to avoid them.
1. Utilising tiny font
It’s tempting to cram as much information onto your business card as possible by using a minuscule font size for the text. However, this is an error. Potential clients and colleagues may have difficulty reading excessively small text and may choose not to try. Remember, your business card needs to deliver information in a way that is easy for recipients to read and interpret. Instead of putting a lot of information on your business card design using small text, simply choose the most important pieces of information to include. Only including vital information will allow you to increase the font-size on your card because you won’t have to fit as much on it. Don’t forget that you can also use the reverse side of your card to include extra information if necessary. It’s better to use a large font-size on both sides of your card than a small font-size on one.
2. Not maintaining brand consistency
Because business cards are much smaller than other marketing materials and are distributed in a different way, they have different graphic design requirements. As a result, it’s easy to design a business card that doesn’t share your brand’s overall aesthetic. This a problem because it can cause confusion among recipients and undermine your brand identity. To counteract this problem, try to use your brand’s logo, colours and typeface on your business cards if possible. Remember, every piece of marketing material needs to exude your brand in a uniformed manor to increase recognition an boos brand awareness. A business card helps people remember you and your services so be distinctive in your design and choose a premium printing option to ensure that they marry up with your own products and services.
3. Handing out cards as soon as possible
Some business people hand out their business cards as soon as they meet potential colleagues or clients. However, this can backfire, because recipients may forget about the cards by the time they have finished talking to the person who gave those cards out. What’s more, the recipients have no reason to care about the information on a business card immediately after meeting the card’s owner. We suggest that you hand out your business cards at the end of a conversation, not the start. This will give you time to convince potential clients and colleagues that your information is worth holding onto and using. It will also ensure that your recipients remember that they have your card.
Check out this fantastic article by : 3 Benefits of Having a Business Card for Your Home Business
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Business Card Mistakes And How To Avoid Them