More often than not, small to medium sized enterprises aren’t exactly blessed with a massive marketing budget – so it pays to get things right. There’s really no point in committing to spending the lion’s share of your annual budget on a direct mail marketing campaign (think graphic design, printing, mailing and administration costs) if it’s just going to end up going straight in the bin. You’ll be surprised at how many business owners throw money down the drain by greenlighting lacklustre campaigns which simply don’t appeal to their target demographics, when some simple research could have enabled them to create a campaign which is cohesive with their other marketing activities, increasing their brand awareness and in-turn creates a bigger impact that gets higher conversion results.
The “what’s in it for me?” factor
The average person will spend mere seconds glancing at your direct mail media before deciding to either chuck it in the bin or read further on. In order to get them to read your folded leaflet or printed flyer, you need to give them an incentive. Highlight your most attractive offer in as clear and concise a way as you can; think of your mailout as a shop window – ultimately you want to display your most enticing offer where it can be seen.
Keep it short and concise
It’s easy to get carried away stuffing your folded leaflet, brochure, or flyer with copy that nobody will ever read. Be as succinct and to the point as you can. Folded leaflet printing is ideal for your direct mail campaign because products such as a 6 page A4 or a 6 page DL offers ample amount of space for you to highlight your products and services within clear creative graphic design whilst being a cheap way of printing.
Get your Graphic Design right – first time
Think CRAP – no, really. Check out this fantastic article from Jacob Cass : C.R.A.P.:The Four Principles of Sound Design
If you aren’t a Photoshop whizz, you’ll need to consider searching for options regarding graphic design online. It might seem like an unnecessary expense but it’s ultimately worth it in order to create a larger return on investment.
Shop around for the best deal
Cheap folded leaflet printing can significantly reduce the cost of your direct mail marketing campaign. If you’re really in luck, you might even find an all-in-one solution to your design and printing woes…
Take, for example. Our in-house team can help with your graphic design and folded leaflet printing requirements at the most competitive prices in the country! Want to know more? Simply drop us an email or give us a call on 9845 2993 923 and our friendly and experienced team will be happy to discuss your project.
How To Increase Your Direct Mail Marketing Campaign Response

Regardfs for heloing out, good info.