How do you let a printer know exactly what you want? Whether you are hoping to turn around business cards, publicity flyers or stationery printing for your business, you can’t afford to get it wrong. This handy checklist will help you think before you brief. Save and use it each time.
1. Briefing and design templates
Once you have chosen your printer, find out if they offer their own briefing and/or design template. Online printers are the ideal solution for cheap high-quality printing, and the online design print templates on their websites help ensure your job ends up perfect every time.
2. Artwork
Your printer is going to need your artwork. Should it be provided on a USB stick, sent as an email attachment, uploaded to Dropbox, or downloaded from a website? Check they can handle your design format too. You or your designer might have created artwork in Publisher or Photoshop, for instance. Or, it might simply sit in a Word or PDF file.
3. Paper
Think about the size of paper you need for the job, the number of pages and any specific leaflet folds you want, plus how big you want the print run to be. Do you need your business card printing to be embossed? Does that company brochure require staples? What type of paper finish would work best? Make sure you are clear and include things like this in your brief.
4. Colour
The colours you choose for your print job can make a difference to the cost. Think about the different impact mono, highlight colour, two colour and full colour printing might have on your project. Do you need full colour on both sides of the leaflet or flyer?
5. Proof approval
Always opt for a printer who includes proof approval as part of the deal. However good your imagination is, there will always be one or two differences between what you thought you wanted and what you see in a proof. Online proof approval is quick and easy and doesn’t hold up the printing process. Finally, don’t forget to state if you will collect the finished job yourself or if you want it delivered to you.
A great brief means an accurate quotation. It also means you get exactly what you want! For more information about our range of printing services, contact us at today.
Think About Your Printing Brief And Get The Best Results