When you’re starting a business, you’re often on your own or have a very small team. As a startup, it’s important your business looks professional and reliable, and great print media can be an efficient and affordable way to do this.
Make a good impression
Business cards are obviously a must for any startup, and a bold, professionally graphic designed business card can help you to stand out in someone’s wallet and their memory. A printed business card is the perfect way to remind people of you and your USP (unique selling point) after they’ve met you, and you’d be surprised how affordable high quality business card printing can be.
Get your brand out there
As a start up, you want to be noticed and you want to remembered. If you’re a small team, or you’re starting on your own, you may be the only representatives of your new brand. Make sure your logo and name are everywhere you go, and that as many people see it as possible with branded notepads, leaflets, brochures, stickers and business cards.
Pay attention to details
As a startup, you have a great deal of control over every detail of your business, and you can make sure you get it just right. Details are the make or break of a new business and errors like spelling mistakes, poor quality Wordart posters and scruffy envelopes can all discourage valuable custom. By using a professional commercial printers, you can make sure that you’ve got the details right, as a great leaflet or business card might be the one thing that gets the customer through your door.
Punch above your weight
The best entrepreneurs see opportunities everywhere, and if you think your business can challenge the major players in your industry, then go for it. Though they may have huge marketing departments and unlimited budgets, by getting your print media done professionally, you can look just as influential at a fraction of the cost. Whether it’s huge posters, invitations for a product launch or your business cards, if your print materials look great, your business looks great. With online access to thousands of design options i.e. business card templates, there’s no reason why your printed marketing materials can’t look as good as the market leader.
Want some more information for marketing your Startup? Check out this great article from LivePlan: 10 Effective Offline Marketing Ideas for Startups
Are you a startup needing great print media to market your business? Contact PrintUK.com today to see how we can help you get your startup company out there.
Looking The Part: Print Media For Startups