Whilst engrossed in this digital age the use of printed marketing materials is often overlooked. High quality printed marketing leaflets are one of these material elements. Sometimes branded as old fashioned and ineffective there are in fact many advantages of using leaflets to promote the products and services you offer. When designed and deployed effectively leaflets can contain vital accessible information for customers to easily get in touch and know exactly what your business offers. Leaflets are still an effective marketing tool and here is why:
Cost Efficiency:
When considering your marketing strategy as a small business, costs are a big consideration. Posting leaflets through doors is a great way for small and local business to promote their brand and business. There is little cost involved but the return of investment can be great. For businesses where time and resources are not on their side this an effective way to promote services and products within a local arena.
Leaflets are cheaper and easier to produce than other marketing method forms. Leaflets can be easily and professionally designed online using leaflet design templates. Once you have chosen your design its vital to use a high quality printing firm who will produce your leaflets using a high quality paper stock creating a sharp and crisp finish.
Eye Catching:
The great thing about leaflet printing and the bugbear for digital marketing managers is a word count or character limit restrictions. Well luckily with leaflets you can fill them with as much or as little information as you need. You can play around with the layout and format in order to ensure information is clear and coherent for the end user. A leaflet can include information such as your office/ store location, your logo, a list of the products and services you offer, images, contact information and more. When it comes to designing your leaflet remember you want it to be eye catching and not too text heavy. Its important to use only the most important information as more in-depth information can be procured on a printed brochure if required. It is essential to find the right balance between text and images.
Your leaflet needs to grab the attention of a potential new customer so ensuring your design is eye catching and pleasing its very important and can be easily achieved. PrintUK.com has a library of leaflet design templates which are free to use and easy to design on line with little hassle and no need for a graphic designer. For more leaflet design and sizes visit our leaflets page.