Print marketing is still considered one the most effective ways to promote your business, highlighting your product or service to both existing and target customers. To ensure your print marketing is kept up to date and promotes your business in the most positive light, we’ve listed out some of the most popular trends in commercial printing currently being used.
Keep it natural
There’s been a real trend towards using natural tones and hues, such as those found in nature, in print marketing campaigns recently. These colours evoke a range of feelings and emotions and, depending on the depth and tone of the colours used, can help to communicate specific messages to customers. What’s more, if you want to boost your eco-friendly image, print on luxuriously thick recycled paper for a difference customers will feel.
Make it personal
Personalised print materials, from flyers to folded leaflet printing and packaging, help to improve the relationship between your brand and your customers. It helps to differentiate you from the competition, as your customers and target customers receive personalised communications in direct mail form which make your marketing come across as more considered.
Digital reigns
Digital printing will account for over 3% of the world’s commercial print and printed packaging by 2020, according to Pira research group. With the speed of turnaround making it one of the most cost-effective methods of printing, and its exceptional quality leaving customers satisfied time and time again, it’s no surprise it’s rapidly becoming a preferred method of print. According to Design Week’s Article: Four trends shaping the future of print design: ‘Digital print is, if you listen to most oracles, the biggest trend shaping the future of print.’
Keep it lean
No one likes to open their front door or letter box to be greeted with a raft of unwanted printed materials from companies. To ensure your print marketing campaign doesn’t waste money by heading straight to the bin, or worse, annoy your customers by its ineffectiveness, you need to be sure you keep your campaigns lean. Monitor how regularly you send out print marketing to your customers and consider using unusual materials, folds or designs to help your marketing stand out.
If you’re looking to run a print marketing campaign to promote your business, then can help! We are the leading printing and online design business, supporting our customers to market their businesses cheaply and easily through our printing services. For more information about how we can help you, call us today on 0845 2993 923 or contact us online
4 Print Marketing Trends To Watch Out For!