Fifty Shades of Grey
Fifty Shades of Grey may make a sensational read, but it isn’t going to grab anyone’s attention when it comes to print design. Design agencies, local authorities and businesses all rely on print materials to catch the eye, get their message across and build growth. So, how can simple reds, blues and yellows make a difference to the engagement and impact of a printed leaflet, poster or booklet?
Is your blue the same as my blue?
It is true that we all have our own unique associations with colour and so we all experience the same colours slightly differently. A customer who had an idyllic childhood under a sapphire sky might be attracted to blue. A child who is struggling to swim in a blue swimming pool might feel fearful when they see the same colour.
Consider Colour As A Call To Action
Colour in design is not an exact science but there is no doubt that the right shade can influence consumer choice. Warm colours like orange and pink are eye-catching and have energy. Cold, bright colours such as lavender and azure feel clean and professional. Young people are generally attracted to bright colours. Elderly people tend to opt for subdued shades. You see that reflected on the clothes rails in any high street shop. Some cultures view white as a colour of morning. To others, it means purity or a wedding. It makes sense, then, to consider colours that speak to your own customer demographic.
Colour Sells Brands
Colours and tints in print are powerful because they affect the attitude of potential customers. If a subtle green speaks to our emotions, our relationship with a brand will intensify and returns will increase. When it comes to leaflet printing or any other form of print for that matter consider how your branding colours will influence your consumers choices. Successful brands sell products, but they also sell colours. Orange. A golden ‘M’. The red mail van.
Whether designing high quality brochures, stationery or promotional materials, it always pays to consider colour as an integral part of design. So, select two or three core colours, use them to build your brand, and watch profits grow. Why not phone us on 0845 2993 923 or email and make an impact today.
Get Your Colours Right And Grab All The Attention!