Producing printed envelopes are an important element of your branded business collateral. A high quality printed envelope can have a lot of impact on the person receiving your mail. They play a far more important role than what some may really see as a small bit of paper used to enclose documents, they in fact can facilitate relationship building between your business and your customer.
A high quality branded printed envelope with as little as your logo on it can make a huge impact at a low cost to you. High quality cheap envelope printing is now readily available and won’t see you marketing budget gone in a flash. This cost effective means of marketing is a great way to ensure your business looks professional and trust is build between you and your customer.
The first thing people make eye contact with is a branded envelope so why not make use of this interaction and brand it with your businesses logo, slogan and contact details. Don’t forget you can be creative with your envelope design especially seasonally whether its Easter or Christmas you can grab your customers attention.
People are far more likely to open a piece of mail which is branded as it shows trust and professionalism behind the sender. In business it is vital your reputation is one which people see you as trustworthy, reliable and professional. It’s all in the detail! Adding little details and personal touches to any of your marketing collateral is essential when building you brand and the positive connotations with that.
Business stationery ultimately reflects how the company will carry out business in the long run. This is why it is essential to ensure all your branded marketing collateral and internal business stationery is printed by a high quality printing firm, like
Envelopes are an essential element when carrying out a direct mail campaign you will receive a far high ROI when using branded envelopes in comparison its plain white counterpart. Direct mail can have a lot of impact, especially in the digital world we live in. We often ignore marketing emails however when we receive a high quality printed brochure in a printed, branded envelope we are far more likely to make a purchase.
For more on branded envelopes read this great article: 5 Ways To Utiltise Branded Envelopes for Your Business by Miranda Crerar.
Now you have realised your business should really have cheap high quality printed envelopes check out our range today. For all other business stationery and marketing collateral visit
Why Branded Envelopes Are Still Significant