Business cards are usually associated with formal networking events, such as conferences and industry conventions. They are used to make valuable contacts within your market sector. However, they can also be deployed in a variety of other contexts. In today’s blog, we’ll take a look at some of the more unusual ways you can use business cards to advance your career. If you currently only use business cards at official networking events, you might be surprised by how versatile these pocket-sized marketing tools really are.
1. Job interviews
Have you ever considered giving a prospective employer a business card at the end of a job interview? It might seem a little strange, but it can really work in your favour. Your would-be employers might interview dozens of applicants for each position. As a result, there’s no guarantee that they’ll remember you. Handing them a business card they can keep with them will help jog their memory, so they’ll be more likely to consider you when it’s time to choose an applicant. What’s more, business cards create an air of professionalism and self-assurance, which prospective employers like. According to the website ‘Work It Daily’, “one of the top tips for anyone looking to take a leap up the career ladder is to create your very own business card”
2. Casual meetings
Believe it or not, you probably meet people who could benefit from your services or the services of your business every day. Everybody needs to utilise businesses or the services of professionals occasionally, including your friends, casual acquaintances and people you just end up chatting to in social contexts. If you find yourself talking to someone about your job or your career, give them a business card. They may think of you when they need the type of service that your business provides.
3. High-traffic areas
You don’t always have to hand your business card over in person. Simply leaving a few in plain view where people might take an interest in them is enough. Ask if you can leave a stack of cards in your local shop or supermarket, or casually leave a few on a table the next time you’re in a waiting room. If someone passes by and needs the type of service that your business offers, they’ll pick one up. You’ll be astounded by how many customers and clients you can recruit just by leaving business cards where people can see them.
For more on the benefits of having a business card read the excellent article on Work It Daily.
Here at, we believe that high quality printed business cards are among the most powerful marketing tools at your disposal. That’s why we offer high-quality printing on a wide range of different cards. You can find our business card templates here. Whether you run your own business or are simply a freelance professional, check out our range today.
Deploying Business Cards In Creative Ways
