To ensure all postal correspondence that leaves your company arrives at your current or potential customer’s door with the highest standard of professional presentation, business branded envelopes are a must.
Here at Print UK, we specialise in creating printed material that truly stands out and leaves a good impression of its brand on anybody who sees it. We’ve put together this quick guide to help you maximise the branding potential of your company’s envelopes.
• The first impression
So, what’s the first thing you want your recipient to see when they find the letter on their doormat? Depending on your target market and the type of product or service you provide, the right visual style for your envelope could vary widely.
A children’s day care service, for example, might be best served by a warm, vibrant style. A financial institution, on the other hand, may find its brand better embodied in a minimalist layout, perhaps with just one or two bold colours. A business selling luxury items, such as a five star travel company, will look for something elegant and refined.
• The feel and texture
The next thing you need to think about is what happens when your recipient picks up your letter. How does it feel in their hands? Believe it or not, this is almost as important as how it looks when it comes to the branding potential of an envelope and has to be thought about when creating the specification for your envelope printing.
Some upmarket brands will send out all their material in foil or linen envelopes. The assuredly expensive feel of these stocks gives the impression that something valuable must be held within. On the other hand, some companies are better off using more affordable paper stocks, particularly if they are trying to brand themselves as the providers of a bargain priced product to their customer base.
• Give the logo and company colours pride of place
It is essential that, before they even pick up the letter, your recipient already knows who it is from. So, as well as being emboldened with the colours you use to brand your business, the logo should be front and centre. Pay attention also to the font in which the address is written, ensuring its look and style reflects the ‘voice’ of your company.
Your written correspondence is crucial to how your target customers see you. Remember everything can be personalised now so think about this when carrying out your graphic design. The classic example of personalistion is car companies sending an envelope with a picture of their new car printed on the front and your name on the number plate, be inventive and think how you can make a more personal connection with your customers or potential customers.
Still not sold on personalistion? Checkout out one of our previous blog posts for a little more information : Why your business needs custom stationery
If you want to make sure your business envelopes make the right impression, get in touch with today.