If you’re designing posters for print, you want to make sure they’re as effective and eye catching as possible to get your message or your product out there. Here are a few questions to ask yourself, if you’re a small business or a graphic designer hoping to avoid some rookie mistakes.
1. Does my design work?
The composition of your poster is everything. Here at PrintUK.com we’ve given you design tips within some of our previous articles i.e.: 5 Tips For Making An Eye-Catching Poster. The key element of the poster design is to ensure your image is clear and uncluttered. When looking at your final poster design, step back and try and look at it with fresh eyes. With a bit of distance, you’ll be able to spot what is and isn’t working.
2. Is my poster location satisfactory?
Having a great poster design is one thing, but if it’s put up in a dark alleyway or in the back of a cupboard, no-one is going to notice it. Be sure your poster is in an environment where it will stand out and catch attention. Remember, people aren’t going to look at posters for more than a few seconds, but if your design is at the right eye level and in a well-lit place, it’s got the best chance of grabbing awareness. Position is key.
3. Do I have enough posters on display?
Music professionals say consumers need to see an album cover seven times before it is fully noted and associated with a band. Apply this principle to your poster printing. If there’s just the one poster on a person’s commute, there’s not much chance of them remembering your image in the future. People have to see a poster again and again for the message to stick. Think of popular routes to work or leisure centres and make sure your distributors are covering these areas.
By bearing these simple points in mind, you’ll be sure your poster goes right from the design board and into the minds of passers-by. Think of the poster design, think of the poster location, and think of the poster quantity, and you’ve got a stronger chance of sticking out in a crowded market.
If you’re looking for poster design and printing check us out at PrintUK.com where we have thousands of poster templates and various printing options.
Making An Impact With Your Poster