When people read a paperback novel, they start on the first page and proceed logically to the end. Although a much shorter journey, most readers will follow the same process when examining the printed leaflet they have picked up from a counter or dispenser, or personally received from your company or organisation.
Appreciating this, it pays to take time to consider how you want their journey to progress. A key to finding the best way to present your content is to set a clear objective for it. This might be as a marketing device to encourage people to buy key products online or by telephone and enquire about the services you offer, or occasionally the leaflet might simply be a ‘retain for later use’ information piece.
The starting point
Once you have set your objective you can then design your leaflet to give you the best chance of achieving it. Taking a standard A4 tri-folded leaflet, you have six sides to use. The cover, again like a paperback, should attract reader attention and give them a reason for opening it. As they do, they’ll see two further pages at almost the same moment. One will then open out to allow the leaflet to lie completely open. This page is a useful place to offer some important tips, or key benefits, and these can then be expanded upon on the three inside pages.
The inside view
These have been opened out and can be viewed either separately or as one. Again, how you use this area depends on what you are trying to achieve. For a list of products or services, or the key points or steps in an information-providing process, you are likely to use each page separately. However, suppose you were providing details of a single product or, say, some home safety information. Here, you might present a single image in the centre with the information set around it to refer to each different area.
Effective closure
Closing your brochure again, we return to paperback readers. Often, they will go to the back cover for key information about the story. With your brochure, make sure this page provides all the contact information they’ll need, plus an encouragement for the reader to immediately take the action you want.
Using the above process, please also take advantage of our PrintUK.com valuable folded leaflet printing and design tips. They will help you create a stylish product – one that can also easily be read and actioned. Also checkout one of our previous blog posts: ‘Leaflets: holding your reader’s attention and avoiding the bin’ as this should also prove useful in creating and printing the most effective impactful leaflet.
If you have any other questions, simply call our friendly and experienced team on 0845 2993 923 now.