Many businesses and entrepreneurs, when starting out, will not prioritise a business card as a marketing tool. As it often seems that everything we do in the modern workplace is digital, and that most interaction with business contacts and others is conducted online. Business cards can be seen as fairly passive marketing, and people may feel shy about handing them out at first, feeling that the right people may overlook them and that design and printing them is just a waste of time and money. However, a business card is not only a very powerful marketing tool, but can actually help your business to move forward and meet the eyes of the right people at the right time, which is why this one item of office stationery we can guarantee isn’t going anywhere anytime soon – and that’s for a number of good reasons:
Here are some advantages of the reasoning for business card printing and why you should get some printed as soon as possible.
Making your business credible
Smaller companies and entrepreneurs need to work hard to ensure that their business is taken seriously from the very start, or they may find themselves overlooked in favour of companies who appear to have more credibility. A business card shows the company to have more solid roots than an email address or phone number hastily written down. It makes the company seem more reliable and honest, and provides something for the receiver to reference at a later date. Remember a business card brands your business and works both ways as it creates a source of leads when you collect others.
Making networking more convenient
When you are networking, you can always attempt to take down people’s contact details, hand out phone numbers or email addresses and so on, but if you are at a larger networking event you simply will not have the time to influence all of the people that you want to. In order to make sure that your name really gets out there at a larger event, a business card is something which can be neatly slipped into a person’s hand with a friendly greeting and short conversation, without having to take up too much of someone’s time. When you network, you should be making real, human connections. Eye contact, actual conversation – that’s how genuine working relationships should begin. And, after all, necessary information from the business card can quickly be input into a mobile phone at a later stage. Business cards are a standardised size because of networking events and other products built to fit them i.e. wallets, so ensure to stick to this size. (UK size = 55mm x 85mm & US size = 51mm x 89mm.)
Checkout one of our previous blog articles: 14 Vital Rules Of Business Card Etiquette
Advertising your business
Even before a potential customer has looked at your website or found out more about your business, a business card can start selling you right away. An attractive and well made business card instantly draws the eye and can be very impactful, remember you could easily have a little information about the business, some products or even offers and discounts for people to take advantage of. But, people are web-savvy so keep it simple and ensure that your website address is clearly visible for your potential customer to carry out further research.
An aide-memoire for all
Another constant issue is meeting new people in a busy or high pressure situation. You talk to them for a few seconds and by the time they come around again, you’ve forgotten their name. A quick peek at a business card is the fastest solution. This affects other people too, so giving them your business card helps avoid those embarrassing moments and helps solidify that personal connection
Remember your card gives a vital first impression of your brand
Just met someone you think could be a great work contact? Don’t let them walk away with a below-par first impression of you or your organisation. The best business cards convey a lot more than simple contact information. So don’t scream “cheap” with your card. After all, a shop trying to create that perfect first impression wouldn’t have a store front sign with cardboard and their name scrawled on it in pen.
Bear that in mind as you design and print your business cards. They can be a great ice-breaker too, and fuel that important initial conversation you have with someone.
Why Business Cards Still Matter In The Digital Age
