Printed advertising materials, such as printed leaflets and posters, are very cost-effective and are highly efficient at generating customer interest in localised areas. Consequently, they are usually deployed by start-ups and smaller businesses. However, larger businesses and even multi-national corporations can benefit from using printed advertising. No matter how big your business is, you should still consider investing in professional commercial printing. Below are three main reasons for investing in printed media such as leaflet printing and printed posters:
1. Printed adverts can reach people other adverts can’t
Not everyone owns a computer. An increasingly large number of those who do own computers use ad-blockers. This means that online advertising simply won’t be seen by large numbers of potential customers. Meanwhile, many people press the mute button or leave the room when adverts appear on their televisions. Even radio adverts can’t reach everyone: some people will simply change their radio station!
Printed adverts are a great way to target demographics who might otherwise miss or ignore your advertising. Print media is accessible to everyone. What’s more, people who would usually avoid adverts are more likely to engage with it, simply because it’s less intrusive than other forms of advertising. In order to reach as many customers as possible, you should advertise using printed media i.e. printed leaflets as well as digital and broadcast media.
2. Printed adverts are highly engaging
According to an article in Forbes: Print is Dead? Not so Fast. , “consumers are more engaged when reading printed material” than they are when reading websites. Websites are often scanned and forgotten about “in as little as 15 seconds”, but people take the time to read printed media properly. If you really want consumers to pay attention to your business, it’s important to use printed media to deliver some of your advertising. Both on a local and national scale.
3. Printed adverts feel more personal
Printed adverts feel more personal than other forms of advertising. This is due to the tangibility of printed media such as leaflets and the fact that it can be sent to consumers directly using a direct mail advertising campaign. This ‘personal touch’ makes consumers feel valued, which in turn encourages them to become loyal customers. No matter how large your business becomes, it’s always worth courting consumers effectively.
Still not convinced? Check out one of our previous articles: Why Print Still Matters
We offer a huge variety of printed advertising products here at . Why not browse our popular products and invest in your brand today. If you would like any help with your up coming print marketing projects please get in touch and a member of the team would be more than happy to help.
Why Printing Is Still So Important For Big Business
