When it comes to running a successful business, marketing what you do and who you are to potential customers is vital. This not only lets people know you are there but also helps explain how you can help them and why they should choose you over competitors. If you are not a marketing expert though, it may seem hard to know which methods to try out first.

If you need a helping hand on the best ways to market your business, the below should come in handy. 

Social media

One of the best marketing methods to use in the modern business world is social media. This needs little explanation now as pretty much everyone knows how platforms like Twitter or Instagram work from using them socially. This is not all they are good for though! Social media is a great way to reach many more potential customers, expand your business into new territories and let people know you exist. Easy to use and free to sign-up with, it also gives you an organic way to engage with people and show them what your brand is about.

There are a range of social media platforms including Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Pinterest, Reddit, LinkedIn, Google Plus and Snapchat. Each of these social media platforms are unique in their own right and require unique ways of engagement. 

Print marketing

Successful modern businesses know that a multi-channel approach works best. This means that you should combine online and offline methods to get the best results. A really good offline marketing tip is to use print marketing such as flyers. When handed out in the local area, they are a great way to connect with people personally and can help persuade them to use your services.

Brochure printing is another fantastic way of providing your customers and potential new clients with high volumes of information about you and your business.

Business cards are another great example of this in action. These handy cards not only make your business look more professional when given out but give people an easy way to remember your details for the future.


It seems a little strange to say but email marketing can often be something that is forgotten about now. This is a shame as it actually offers arguably the best ROI to businesses.

An email marketing campaign is not only low-cost but does not use up lots of precious working time to implement. This is especially true if you use a service like Mailchimp that automates the process for you. As pretty much everyone has an email account which they check regularly each day, it is an effective way of marketing to people.

High-quality printing with PrintUK.com

From flyers to brochure printing and beyond, we can help your business grow with top-class print marketing supplies. Head to our website today for more details and to see the full range of the printing we offer.