When you’re advertising or marketing your business through printed materials, ensuring that your flyers stand out ahead of your competitors is essential. Eye-catching and captivating flyers can attract customers to your company and really get you noticed. In a sea of marketing, your flyers can be the beacon for your business that establishes your brand as a leader in your industry.
So, how can you design and create the ideal flyer?
1. Make the colours pop
Colour can be one of the foremost elements that will attract clients to the flyer in the first place. Bright, attractive colours can really make people want to look at the printed materials that you use to advertise your business.
2. Ensure the font is easy to read
Fancy, intricate fonts may look arty and have an attractive aesthetic, but they can interfere with functionality if potential clients cannot read them. It’s important to establish a balance between presenting a font that looks professional and eye-catching but is also plainly easy to read for everyone.
3. Tailor the design to your company ethos
A bespoke design is important in a flyer because the design should represent the essence of your company. The colours and fonts that you use in your flyers will give clients an initial “feel” for your business, so ensure that your flyers give consumers a wordless insight into what it means to work with you. Either design online or upload your artwork ready for your flyer printing needs.
Contact details should be prominent
A flyer can look like a work of art, but if you haven’t ensured that your contact details are prominent on the flyer, then customers will not be able to contact you! Make the contact details stand out, such as by using a different, contrasting font or colour.
5. Use professional design and print services
Opting for a professional designer and printer can ensure that you end up with the highest-quality, professionally presented flyers that tick all the boxes for your requirements. It can take the stress out of the design process and deliver a product that will generate new customers for your company.
To enquire about our high-quality and professional printing and design services, please contact our helpful, friendly team at PrintUK.com