Whether your flyers are promoting a product, service or event, there is one thing that’s always important: standing out. Printing flyers and handing them out or mailing them is a marketing strategy with proven success, but it only works if your flyers are well designed and effective in appealing to the people you want to reach. If your flyers look boring, people are less likely to read them, and certainly less likely to take up whatever your flyer is offering.
Here are our five top tips for making flyers that will grab people’s attention:
1. Colour printing costs more than black and white, but when it comes to flyers, it’s totally worth it. Colourful flyers are much more eye-catching and colour printing gives you the opportunity to create a more individual design. You could also match the colour scheme with that of your website and logo. Here (http://www.creativebloq.com/design/flyer-912663) are some examples of cool, colourful flyer designs.
2. If you can afford it, get a professional designer, or a friend with creative skills, to design your flyer. A smart, stylish design gives a much better impression of your company, and means you will be taken seriously. To find a freelance designer, try an online work platform such as Elance (https://www.elance.com/l/uk-freelancers/) or Odesk (https://www.odesk.com/), if you can’t see what you’re after get in touch.
3. While your flyer needs to be informative, it doesn’t need to have too much detailed information. Instead, focus on the main points, and include a link to find out more. This means you can use a bigger, more noticeable font, and people won’t be put off by feeling there is too much to read.
4. It’s not just the visuals that need to be fun and engaging, the text needs to be too. Think of a creative way to present what you’re promoting, appropriate to the audience. This could be a witty pun, a cultural reference that will appeal to the right people, or a dramatic headline that will make the reader stop and think.
5. Something that always gets people’s attention is a special offer. If you’re offering a discount or free trial, for example, make sure this is really prominent and clearly shown on the flyer. Even though it’s the special offer that the person is initially interested in, they’re likely to read on and find out more about your company and what you do once you have their attention.
Five ways to make your flyers stand out from the rest

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