In spite of the belief that this is increasingly an online world, there is still a certain feeling when you receive a glossy folded leaflet through the mail. There is something about the feel, the vibrancy, that piques your interest and grabs your attention.
When you craft such a promotional piece for your business or organisation, it pays to take some time, right at the start, to appreciate how you would want a recipient to act. This is then reflected through both the graphic design and the content.
The purpose of the front cover
Often, a cover might tell the whole story, leaving you wondering why this communication wasn’t on a single sheet or card! At other times, it is so arty and mysterious that you have no clue why you should spend your time investigating further. In reality, an effective cover (or front page) achieves a simple objective: to have the reader open the folded leaflet. This can be achieved in your folded leaflet printing by making a bold offer, or a startling proposition, offering a key benefit or starting to tell a story; each of which alternatives will then be fully expanded upon inside.
Investigating the innards
Once a reader has opened your folded leaflet, the next question to answer is this: how can you best present your message? With a trifold leaflet i.e. 6 page DL, you might use the three pages individually to provide all the information. Alternatively, it may be more effective, when the leaflet is opened, to use the entire space as a single presentation area. There is no right or wrong answer, simply what works more effectively with your folded leaflet design. As an example: if you wished to detail ten key reasons, the three-page option might work better. Equally, for a new product, a single illustration across the complete printed area, with key information presented around it, might gain a better response a suitable product might be a 6 page A5 which offers the space for you to really convey the content you need.
Bringing up the rear
The back pages of your folded leaflet should provide clear contact and action information. But equally, some folk will turn your leaflet over when they receive it, so it also pays to provide another piece of information there that also – like the cover – encourages them inside. Remember to include all relevant contact details on the back page of your leaflet so the potential customer can get in touch and this will improve conversion rate.
Still interested in leaflet marketing? Check out one of our previous articles: How To Target Your Customers Through Leaflets…
It pays to take some time to consider how best to use the printed area of your folded leaflet to gain the required response. This is worthwhile, no matter which style you choose from our many high-quality printed leaflet options. If you are ready to start designing or printing your folded leaflet get in touch with us today at
How To Grab Attention With Your Folded Leaflets