If you’re one of millions of people throughout the UK who are currently self-employed, it is important that your service is noticed, and that you are able to pick up jobs through some eye-catching branding and marketing material. Whether you are advertising your services door to door, are networking with the local business community or are printing posters for the local area, catchy, consistent print media can help your business to stay ahead of the curve, and can boost brand awareness – along with your profits – enormously in the process.
Business card printing
Printed business cards are the perfect means to subtly introduce a relevant party to your business, without being overly brash or ostentatious. A simple message is key here: simply what you do, your name and your contact details. A business card is not the format for lengthy product details or descriptions of your service – keep it snappy. Check out some of our business card printing options or our business card templates online for some ideas of how to layout your new business card.
Flyer printing
If your business is one that the local community would benefit from, it is a great idea to start your campaign the old fashioned way: by hitting the streets. Knocking on doors can be intrusive, however, and a printed flyer through a letterbox can also have a great effect as a standalone item. Flyer printing offers more space for you to include relevant information: a few quick descriptions of your products and services can help to pique people’s interest beautifully, but try not to swamp anyone! Remember that the high quality graphic design and print is key to making a flyer campaign successful.
A printed poster is a bold, eye-catching statement of intent, and you need to ensure that whoever sees it will remember that they did. Depending on where you put it, the content should change: an area where people are walking slowly or will be stationary will benefit from more information about you and your product, and a roadside poster print should be more of an eye-catching, brand-orientated item.
Not convinced? Check out one our our previous articles on small business marketing: Why Startups Need Printing and Print Advertising
At PrintUK.com, we allow users to quickly and easily upload a print design onto our website, design online or choose from an enormous range of design templates that are perfect for any business. Taking the sting out of designing marketing materials, our resources are very user-friendly, and our prices are very competitive. Whatever marketing materials you need to aid your self-employment, we can help. Order today at PrintUK.com
Self-Employed? Stay Ahead Of The Curve With Print