Targeting customers is something all businesses want to do, but it particularly applies to any small business where you’re still in the process of developing your customer base. There’s no reason that you have to spend a lot of money, customer attention and approval is something you can’t buy.
There are however things you can do, here are three top tips.
Surveys and Research
The best way to know what you can better do for your customers is to quite simply ask them! Conduct a survey to establish what customers really want and what you can better do to provide it for them. Surveys don’t cost much, all you need to do is invest a little time.
You can get custom printed questionnaires from a specialist such as to gain valuable information about what your customers want and areas of your competition’s business that are not meeting expectation. High quality booklet printing with information about the products or services you offer with a questionnaire at the end or a money off voucher is a great way to increase response rates.
Social Media Matters
We live in a social media driven world, the rights and wrongs of that aside it’s a cold hard truth. This means that you need to make sure your social media profile is concise and active in order to attract new customers. It’ll do you no good just setting up a profile, you have to use it and use it well.
Engage your potential customers by posting light hearted, witty, and most importantly informative content that will encourage them to form an attraction with your brand. Social media is ubiquitous now, you’re missing out if you’re not using it to your advantage.
Be Transparent
People don’t like doing business with organisations they don’t know anything about. This means that it’s a great idea to show your potential customers what your strengths are in the way you operate. One of the best ways for a small business to tell people about the products or services they offer is through high quality leaflet printing and brochure printing. Another great way to do this is through encouraging user reviews and sharing them.
Targeting customers is essential for developing small business growth, start right with these tips today! For high quality printed marketing products take a look at our popular products or for a bespoke quote drop us an email, we would love to hear from you!