It may all appear to be about social media and online materials these days, but the fact is that people still want something to take away and peruse. They may research your offer in advance, but if they come to an event or meet with you, they still want to leave with an item which either informs or persuades them.
Sealing the deal
Depending on your business and what your customers are looking for it’s important that they leave with something. This could be a high quality printed brochure or a simple leaflet, but giving an interested person a printed item means they will feel happy, more connected and are more likely to take the time to understand your product or service. According to a report featured in the Guardian, readers absorb less on Kindles than on paper and the same is true of online information compared to print materials.
Producing appropriate items
Consider what you are trying to sell and make sure that the printed marketing material reflects this. If your items are low cost then you probably don’t want a weighty brochure and may be able to use a print design template to design your item.
If, for example, you are a university trying to attract prospective students to spend thousands of pounds on a degree course, or an exclusive car dealer or commercial property agent, then you probably want to use high quality photography, graphic design and some high quality brochure printing to demonstrate the value of the investment the customer is about to make.
A good mix that looks the part
This does not mean that you can ignore online and social media but that they are a part of your overall marketing approach. You should take the time to ensure that your printing and marketing materials are coupled with your online presence and have a clear, succinct, corresponding relationship, in terms of graphic design, tone of voice and quality. If you choose to work with our graphic design team, then you can provide visuals and links to things you’ve already done, both online and in printing, so that we can ensure that your brand runs all the way through.
Don’t believe us on the power of printing? Check out this great article from Creative Boom: 100 inspiring ideas to market your business
Whatever your sector, print is not dead, potential customers do not just want to give you their data, they want to leave with something. Contact us at to make sure that your leads are leaving with an item they will enjoy reading after they have met you.