It is the 21st century. At times it can feel like printed paper media is dead, and everything will be digital from now on. But, especially if you are involved in marketing for your business, it would be a mistake to discount printing so soon. Here are a few reasons why hard copies are still valuable and why you should keep hard copy printing in mind for your next marketing adventure!
1. Business card printing: Many online services have tried, but none have succeeded in replacing this classic networking tool and emblem of professionalism. As long as business people keep meeting in person, business card printing won’t go away!
2. Printed Flyers: The digital world is absolutely full of advertising and spam, but a printed flyer that someone can hold in their hand is much more tangible and likely to grab their attention. By handing out or posting flyers in the area around your business, you know you are targeting exactly the people you want to reach.
3. Corporate Letterheads: This is the ultimate mark of professional business communication. Letterhead printing and design is such a simple addition to make to your business stationery especially with the advent of letterhead templates and online design, but don’t underestimate its importance as it makes such a huge difference to how professional you look and how your business communications are perceived. It’s just not possible to replicate this effect with email! Even in today’s world a printed letterhead has more influence than an email. Remember: the most important documents are still printed. Make your communication important!
4. Envelope printing. At the end of the day, you will still be sending at least some information to your customers through the post. You might want to ensure that they know the envelope that just dropped through the door is from you. Direct mail has proved to be an incredibly impactful, cost effective marketing medium that delivers results. It is arguably an underutilised marketing tool considering there are so many weird and wonderful ways to personalise your envelopes from colour, material, size and graphic design. Envelope printing is a great way to ensure that you are always promoting your business and increasing your brand awareness. Make your mail stylish and it will work for you.
5. Brochure printing. A striking impactful full colour printed brochure can provide your prospective customer with a detailed illustration of your business and your products/services. A well designed and written brochure will speak volumes about the quality of your product as well as enhancing the good name of your company. Whether you are posting your brochure out as a direct mailer or just handing it over in person, the recipient has a tactile product, in itself, to thumb through. A printed brochure is ideal for handing out at trade shows and exhibitions – there are only so many web addresses added into favourites on a Smart phone that will be returned to, yet that brochure in your client’s hand is instantly accessible and leaves a lasting reminder of your company.
6. Think of demographics, older generations may not have access to the latest digital technology but still want to buy your goods and services. By providing information in printed form they are often able to make direct contact themselves. If you are marketing to older customers, check out these tips on writing content and printing for the older generations to read:
7. People like printed material, it is a simple fact that even in this digital age, potential customers respond well to something physical they can touch, see, store or file. Printed marketing media offers a chance to create an impact, act as a memory jogger and provide easily accessible information. No need to trawl through hundreds of emails to get a telephone number when you’ve got a printed flyer, brochure etc… to hand. Check out this previous blog post for: Top Marketing & Printing Tips for Small Business Growth
As you can see, there is a plethora of reasons why printed marketing materials are still as useful in the 21st century as they ever were. Get in touch to see what printed marketing materials can do for your next business marketing campaign!!
The Power Of Print Marketing!